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  /* Add to MediaWiki:Mobile.js for custom Mobile Menu links 
  for MW-1.34.2 with MobileFrontend and MinervaNeue 
  Just replace span text and href to add links */
var timer = setInterval(function() {
     if ($('.menu ul:first').length) {
         console.log("mobile menu exists");
         $('.menu ul:first').after(
             '<ul class="level1"> \
                    <li> \
                    <a href="#" \
                    class=".mw-ui-icon .mw-ui-icon-before .mw-ui-icon-mf-expand .mw-ui-icon-small"> \
                    <span>Dropdown Links</span> \
                    </a> \
                    </li> \
                    <ul class="level2"> \
                         <li> \
                         <a href="/wiki/Link_1" \
                         class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-before mw-ui-icon-minerva-download"> \
                         <span>Link 1</span> \
                         </a> \
                         </li> \
                         <li> \
                         <a href="/wiki/Link_2" \
                         class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-before mw-ui-icon-minerva-mapPin"> \
                         <span>Link 2</span> \
                         </a> \
                         </li> \
                         <li> \
                         <a href="/wiki/Link_3" \
                         class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-before mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-bellOutline-base20"> \
                         <span>Link 3</span> \
                         </a> \
                         </li> \
                    </ul> \
               <ul> \
                    <li> \
                    <a href="/wiki/Second_Link" \
                    class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-before mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-star-base20"> \
                    <span>Second Link</span> \
                    </a> \
                    </li> \
          $(".menu").find(".level2").hide(); // hide level2 until level1 is clicked
          }); // if level1 is clicked, dropdown level2
}, 100); // check every 100ms